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Data Structures & Algorithms in Python - Self Paced

Self-Paced Course
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interested count69k+ interested Geeks

Most popular course on DSA trusted by over 75,000 students! Built with years of experience by industry experts the course gives you a complete package of video lectures, practice problems, quizzes, discussion forums, and contests. Start Today!

levelBeginner to Advancecourse duration5 Weeksseats-left100000 Seats Left
interested count69k+ interested Geeks
Internship Opportunities at GeeksforGeeksAccess to GeeksforGeeks Job Portal

Enroll today and attend LIVE Bi-Weekly Sessions conducted by Mr. Sandeep Jain!

Course Overview

Data Structures and Algorithms are building blocks of programming. Data structures enable us to organize and store data, whereas algorithms enable us to process that data in a meaningful sense. So opt for the best quality DSA Course to build & enhance your Data Structures and Algorithms foundational skills and at the same time master them to the next level.

Key Highlights:

  • 60+ hours of recorded content by CEO & Founder Mr. Sandeep Jain in both C++ & Java
  • Bi-Weekly Live Sessions by CEO & Founder Mr. Sandeep Jain
  • 6 Months of one-on-one 24X7 Doubt Assistance
  • 200+ Exclusive and Industry Specific Problems to Practice
  • Video Editorials and Hints in ALL Problems
  • 250+ MCQs including Output based Questions
  • 10 Coding Contests for real-time SDE Coding-Round Experience
  • 5 DSA-Implemented Projects
  • Comprehensive 8-week guided curriculum for easy learning
  • Supporting Notes for quick exam revisions

This DSA course covers all topics in two languages: C++ and Java. With this master DSA skills in Sorting, Strings, Heaps, Dynamic Programming, Searching, Trees, and other Data Structures which will help you prepare for SDE interviews with top-notch companies like Microsoft, Amazon, Adobe and other top product based companies.

Also Check out the Course Brochure for detailed information.

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What you will learn


What you will learn

  • Start from Basics of Algorithms, Asymptotic Notations, Time and Space Complexity Analysis and more
  • Build the foundation from Mathematics, Bit Magic, Recursion, Arrays and other algorithms while practicing problems
  • Learn and Implement Searching and Sorting Algorithms from basics to advance
  • Master concepts of Matrix, Strings, Linked List, Stack, Queue and related data structures
  • Become a pro at advanced concepts of Hashing, Graph, Tree, BST, Heap, Backtracking, DP etc.
  • Learn Trie, Segment Tree and Disjoint Set from basics to advance
  • Practice algorithms like Kruskals, Tarjans, Kosarajus, Prims, Rabin Karp, KMP and many more
  • How to become a strong and efficient Coder and Developer
  • Get hands-on experience with real time Projects

Course Content

  • Learn from the very basics "the background" of Analysis of Algorithms
  • Get to know about Order of Growth, Best, Average and Worst cases of various algorithms using Asymptotic Notations and much more
  • Build your foundation with problems like Factorial of a Number, HCF, LCM
  • Learn important concepts like Sieve of Eratosthenes 
03Bit Magic
  • Aquire Knowledge of Bitwise Operators with the help of important example tutorials
  • Gain understanding of Recursion from its Introduction, writing base cases and Tail Recursion
  • Solve popular problems like Rope Cutting Problem, Tower of Hanoi, Josephus Problem, etc
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Frequently Asked Questions




Does the course include programming questions?


Is this a language-specific course?


What do I learn if I am a Python Programmer?


How can I access contest solutions?


When can i access the video solution of Contest problems?


How can I register for the course?


What type of certificate will be offered in this program


When can I make the payment for the course?


Will the course content be available after the course end date?


Is there a sample video to see how are the course videos?


Can I make the payment through PayPal?


What is the difference between the DSA content covered here and the one covered in the Complete Interview Preparation Course?


How long should one student take to complete the course?


Do we have doubt support in this program?


What features does Doubt Support have?